Friday, February 6, 2015

ORIGINAL JAVANESE MUSIC - Wedding & Welcome Ceremony Vol. 3 (1991 Jakarta, Indonesia)

 photo Javanese Wedding_zps06x3t162.jpg If you are looking for some traditional Javanese wedding/welcome ceremony music, it`s right here. I am unsure of who exactly made the music on this cd. I apologize, but I cannot read ANYTHING on the artwork. I believe it was made by Gamelan musicians. I can only hope that anyone reading this post will know what this cd is all about!

If you are interested in owning this cd, send me (Ken) an email to and I will give you a great deal!

1 comment:

  1. Just for your information, this cd features The Condhong Raos Gamelan Orchestra (Karawitan) directed by Djarot Sabdono. It was produced in 1991.
