Monday, March 4, 2013

BEFORE CHRIST - Transgression - 1995 Seattle, WA - HARD ROCK - RARE OOP

 photo Before Christ - Transgressions 001_zps0jmszp2m.jpg Here`s another one from Seattle`s own "Before Christ". This is their debut, released independently in 1995. You can find their demo here at insanelyraremuisc!

Looking for this one? Email an offer to Ken at


  1. I was the drummer on this CD, we made another four song CD after this one.glad people still like the album. We were formerly known as Mister Grinch and had an album called "You're The Best" . You can look that album up on YouTube. People really liked that album. There are two videos for the song "I love to hate you" and " Love is Dead" off the before christ CD on YouTube also. I think you will like them

    1. That's awesome! Sadly, Ken doesn't seem to attend this page anymore. I was wondering if I could buy the tracks off of you? I found a tape uploaded to YouTube with the tracks Opinions, Stickerbush, I'm Stoned and Questions. Good stuff!
