Tuesday, September 22, 2015

SKANTRACEPTIVES - Finally.. (199? Washington State) RARE - PUNK - SKA

 photo Skantraceptives 001_zpsyfcvdso7.jpg Here is a lesser known, but awesome ska cd from "Skantraceptives". I'm not sure which year this was released, but I think it was 1995. I know they are from Washington State, but I am not sure exactly which city. I don't know much about these guys, but they did play with some bigger acts throughout Seattle. They also released a demo tape in 1998, but I think this cd and the demo tape were all they did.

If you would like to buy this awesome cd, send me (Ken) an email to insanelyraremusic@gmail.com


  1. They are from the Factoria area of Washington, kind of a suburb of Bellevue.

    1. Hey, so my wife found this site. You guys are crazy. This is Travis Wood and I was the tenor sax player. We all went to Newport High School in Bellevue (yes Factoria), and we recorded this in the fall/winter of 1997. If you want more info hit me up at tlwood21@gmail.com
